Frequently asked questions

What is the survey about?

It’s about being a student at UCSC: your academic work, your interaction with faculty and peers, your participation in campus activities, your perception of the climate on campus, and your use of campus services.

Who is the author of the survey?

Dr. Sylvia Hurtado, Professor and Director of the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA.  (For more information, see

Why does my participation make a big difference?

Your participation provides essential support for several very important initiatives on our campus and system-wide.

  1. For the survey to be effective in making student voice heard on this campus, many students have to participate.  By taking the survey, students directly support the need for a campus-wide study on Diversity and Community Building. The study is an initiative supported by a 40 member committee including undergraduate and graduate students, staff and faculty.  (For more information, see
  2. Results from this survey will be used to evaluate academic curriculum, teaching practices, TA training, student programs and services, and the campus climate for the expression of diverse ideas, beliefs and experiences.  If this year’s survey is supported by strong student participation, it may become a regular campus-wide survey used to monitor and improve the campus' programs and policies.
  3. It is up to our students if UCSC will be one of 6 UC campuses included in the national study on campus community and support for diversity (they won't include our results if the response rate is low).  Based on this year's results, the survey may become a UC-wide project in the near future. We can make a difference on how diversity is supported on this campus and system-wide.

Who can I contact if I have questions or problems logging in?

Anna Sher, Research Analyst at or 459-4302